Payroll and Compliance
Construction Payroll software
Payroll and Compliance

Do Payroll Managers Hate Long Weekends?

The construction industry is quite complex and unique in its operations. A widespread workforce, ample compensation structure, and multiple employment rules and work classifications necessitate smart systems to make payroll management easier. However, effective payroll management that contributes towards higher worker satisfaction and engagement often ends up being a challenge. Of course, most construction companies […]

CEM Products/Updates Payroll and Compliance
Construction Payroll software
CEM Products/Updates Payroll and Compliance

5 Things That Can Go Wrong with Construction Payroll

Payroll and benefits administration is often one of the most challenging departments in any business. While a larger workforce represents a huge challenge in payroll management itself, the issue becomes complex when there is further diversification of wage codes or categorization of workforce billability. But it’s in the construction industry where the true scale of […]

Industry News Payroll and Compliance
Construction project software
Industry News Payroll and Compliance

Project Labor Agreements are the Law in Most Infrastructure Projects – What Does That Mean for You

While announcing a slew of measures to improve the economic outlook of the country, President Biden announced in February of 2022 that all federal projects over $35 million in value need to follow Project Labor Agreements (PLA). But even before this announcement for federal projects, the construction industry witnessed a massive push by the administration to execute […]

Industry News Payroll and Compliance
Construction Payroll software
Industry News Payroll and Compliance

The Must-Haves in a Modern Payroll Processing Solution to Make Compliance Easy for the Construction Industry

The construction industry may well be at the top spot if we were to rank industries on the basis of complexity in compliance. It is easy to assume that the sector follows very simple workflows, and hence compliance shouldn’t be too much of a problem. But the reality is far from this notion! Many areas […]

Industry News Payroll and Compliance
Construction Payroll software
Industry News Payroll and Compliance

Payroll Management Trends, Threats, and Concerns

Construction companies on the path to enhanced efficiency are quick to automate processes, bring in new workforce productivity solutions, and up their analytics game. But not many realize that if there is one function that requires immediate attention, it is payroll management! Effective payroll management is a crucial aspect of every business, especially in the construction […]

Payroll and Compliance Technology
Construction Payroll software
Payroll and Compliance Technology

Not So “Excel”lent – Why Payroll on Excel Is a Recipe for Disaster

In the context of payroll processing, Microsoft Excel has been a standard, universally employed tool. It promised to be easy to use and offered capabilities for companies that didn’t deal with complex labor or tax laws. In the past, advanced payroll software was also not easily available, and what was, was just too expensive. But […]

Industry News Payroll and Compliance
Union Payroll Software
Industry News Payroll and Compliance

Overcoming the Administrative Challenges of Union Payroll

Inaccurate payments stemming from incorrect payroll decisions. Delayed salaries. Leaked data. The administrative challenges that construction companies face are many. The existence of multiple construction trade unions and contractors for construction projects and complex working arrangements doesn’t make things any easier. The situation gets further complicated by outdated payroll systems. Relying on legacy payroll systems […]

Industry News Payroll and Compliance
Specialty Contractor Software
Industry News Payroll and Compliance

Benefits of a cloud-based payroll solution for construction

Today’s construction companies are turning toward the quickly evolving field of emerging technologies. Beyond turning toward construction management software to improve cost estimation, strengthen project coordination and increase collaboration throughout entire project, construction companies are also shifting labor-intensive jobs into digitally centered roles. Improving construction efficiency, however, isn’t restricted to the field. Rather, HR and […]

CEM Products/Updates Payroll and Compliance
Union Payroll Software
CEM Products/Updates Payroll and Compliance

Transform your payroll for construction

Within the next five years, ninety-five percent of all workloads will be in the cloud. Facing disruptions from job automation, talent shortages and remote work trends, advanced technologies and cloud computing is becoming the preferred way of doing business. Human resources and payroll processes are not exempt. In fact, 56% of companies are redesigning their […]

Industry News Payroll and Compliance
Construction Payroll software
Industry News Payroll and Compliance

What Could Go Wrong? The Downside of Doing Union Payroll Wrong

An Iowa construction firm owner recently pleaded guilty to a payroll-linked legal challenge. Reports claim that the owner withheld over $1 million in payroll taxes. Unfortunately, there’s nothing unusual about reports like these in the construction industry. The question is, why? The administrative challenges of managing multiple construction trade unions and contractors for construction projects can get quite overwhelming […]